Jr. Puppy Checklist
I'm super excited you are getting your household to rally around your Champion's development!
Skippy was Nippy and this checklist is a great start!
You can get the Checklist in our Free Course under Resources for Kids.
Simple fill out checklist with your dog's name and the checklist will be emailed to you. Save it to your mobile device or print it, and post it somewhere it can be seen as a constant reminder to stay the path. Use this as a tool to not just guide your puppy through the day, but sit down once a day together and reflect what you as a team improved and where you "left some of on the table." Celebrate and acknowledge the improvements with your family and come up with a strategy to do better in areas where you're lagging.
I suggest making this Jr Puppy Trainer Checklist meeting a daily ritual triggered by something else you already do. For example if your family eats dessert after dinner then pair it with that daily ritual.

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