Do you want to nip issues in the bud before they even start?
Keep reading to see what's included in our Soon toe Be Puppy Owner Class!
Here's what's included in the free course
Live Q&A: See Schedule here
My Best Two Webinars: The Reactive Roller Coaster (30min) & The Champion Family Daily Regimen (32minutes)
All the Management Videos: Welcome & Prep (5 videos, 14 minutes), Shopping List (10 videos, 27 minutes), Puppy Philosophy (6 videos, 14 minutes), Building Blocks (3 Videos, 10 minutes), Management (11 videos, 39 minutes), Motivation (2 videos, 3 minutes), Crate Training (7 videos, 22 minutes), Potty Training #1 (6 videos, 25 minutes), and Potty Training #2 (3 videos, 16 minutes)
The Puppy Playbook Explained: This video series covers some fundamental ownership principles and skill sets that form the foundation of the Champion Puppy Training System (45 minutes).

FREE Live Q&A's
1 Hour Management Webinars
2.75 Hours Management Videos
45 Minutes Puppy Playbook Explained

Included Bonus
Champion Stances Webinars, Instructional Videos, & E-Book

A Plan and Strategy
Management and Drive Building: Learn how to harness your puppy's natural drives and turn them into training tools.
Junior Puppy Training Checklist: Get this resource and learn best practices for being able to use it to empower your kids!
Potty Training: For #1 and #2.
Chewing: Learn how to stop problem chewing before it even begins and actually put chewing to work for you in a major way.

A Proven path to Success
Separation Anxiety Prevention: Whether you work from home or not separation anxiety prevention is a must, must, must if you want your Champion to thrive.
Crate Training: The crate is a great vessel to ensure you have a nice clean ownership model. This is a vital tool that is often under utilized.
Obedience Prep: While this course doesn't go into detail about food based obedience training it does ensure you have a game plan in place to ensure you don't end up bribing instead of training.