Get immediate result with our 1:1 Bootcamp Program at a pricing point that is more affordable than you may think.
Our bootcamp model creates major changes on multiple fronts very quickly. All these changes all at once create very quick, very noticeable results. Extreme calculated action on multiple fronts for a short period of time is way more effective than doing a slow paced intro program that nets a slightly noticeable difference at best.

Week 1
Want a great puppy, there's an app for that!
Get all of our online resources with the personalization and support of 1:1 local trainers.
180 Short videos
14 Webinars
Kids Resources including: books, videos, and checklists
The "Puppy Playbook" and "Champion Stances" manuals for you
All videos/webinars can be listened to for busy puppy owners
The app and course allows us to streamline 20 sessions into 6 sessions making better use of your time. This keeps the cost affordable all while getting higher results compared with any other puppy training class on the market.
Fill out the form below to get this month's promotion.
Our personalized 1:1 New Puppy Owner Bootcamp covers this and so much more!
The perfect mix of technology, systems, personalization, and convenience all with a utility based approach. We don't believe int raining for the sake of training. We train for results that can be utilized all day, every day, for life.

Weeks 2 - 4
In-Home Puppy Training Specialist
SESSION 1: 90 minute long session in your home. We will walk you and the other members of your household through hands-on training, explain exactly what your puppy's daily schedule should look like and answer any questions you might have.
Session 2: Private 60 minute training session at our training facility either in Medford, NJ or Mount Laurel, NJ. This sessions will be a break through sessions where you will get a much better understanding about your Champion's daily regimen and increase your abilities to effectively communicate with your puppy. Training at the facility ensures you have a responsive puppy in the real world. Very early on in the process we will challenge you and your puppy to be relaxed and responsive around distractions.
Session 3: Private 60 minute training session where you should be executing your commands with a much higher level of confidence and seeing a higher level of responsiveness around moderate level distractions. Your daily regimen with crate training, sleeping, chewing, nipping and potty training should be running tight. This last session will ensure that you are meeting not just your goals, but hitting our developmental milestones as well. It is important for us to not to just "yes" you through our time together, but to equip you and your puppy with a solid foundation for life.

Weeks 5 - 9
Sean, Obedience Specialist
Scheduled Phone Appointment: At this point we give you two weeks in-between our in-person sessions to continue to improve. We schedule a check in call to ensure you are capitalizing on all training opportunities and tap into your puppies full potential.
Session 5: At this session we will work on your puppy being relaxed around strangers and other dogs while in a stimulating environment. We will work on walking with slack on the leash and calling your puppy off of other dogs.
2nd Scheduled Phone Appointment: We build accountability into our program with these calls. We will remind you of what you wanted when you first signed up and encourage you to keep your "foot on the gas" because at this point you have the relief you wanted, but we need to ensure you get the responsiveness. Are you training around distractions and capitalizing on the "Champion Life Style" by living out the "Champion's Daily Regimen?" When you tell us thing are "going goo" we will ask specific questions to ensure you are operating on a higher level to ensure a higher level of success that is usable and last.
Session 6: Test Prep Session! Whether you are shooting for your certificate or no we want to make sure we are crossing "t's" and dotting "i's!" Sits for greeting, threshold training, walking, hiking, recalls, long distance sit-stay-stares need to be tight, tight, tight!

Pat, Creator, Founder, and Training Aficionado
Testing with Pat: This is optional, but if you want to test out your Champion's new found responsiveness and self-control then you'll want to test. Testing allows you a target point to achieve as well as getting even more specific handling ideas from Pat directly. Our testing pulls from various therapy dog certificate requirements in addition to what Pat has found to be necessary life skills that you should develop with your puppy in order for you and your Champion to enjoy the most optimal life together.

Reinforce & Proof Through On-Going Education
We offer ten 30 minute training sessions a month to reinforce, proof, and tap into your puppy's full potential. We offer treadmill training to off-leash training and so much more. No need for commitment scheduling and session packages don't expire. Get daily training report cards and a personalized video of your Champion's session.